My name is
Fuad Abbasov and I'm 21 year old I was diagnosed
CML in December 2008 and was treated with the first line drug therapy, according to normal practice. I live in Baku, Azerbaijan and very sadly
no treatment options are available in my home country for my disease and I have to search for help abroad.
Unfortunately, just recently my cancer has relapsed and I was hospitalized in Turkey . The leukemia, in early stage treatable by oral therapies, has progressed into an acute leukemia which is very aggressive and, without treatment, would lead to death just within a small number of weeks.
Luckily, after 45 days of high-dose chemotherapy I could overcome the life threatening lymphoid blast crisis and my disease has returned to the chronic phase. However, unfortunately this condition is temporary and in the short term time my disease most likely will return to the threatening phase again. Therefore, my only chance today to survive is the Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT), but as this was not possible to do in the hospital I stayed at in Turkey I had to search for and travel even further.
Today I'm in Germany, in the University Clinics of Leipzig waiting for the (Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) preparations to take place soon. My donor is already found, so ones it is available the doctors should start.
I have another HOWEVER Unfortunately ..... ...... ...... ......
This treatment is dead expensive and our Family has big difficulties with affording it. Our healthcare system doesn't cover such type of medical insurance and in fact it doesn't cover anything at all. All the money has been found through our friends and relatives and personal savings. My sister joined The Global CML Community once she new about my disease and the members of that community has helped us a lot. Among the ones who helped and who I'm very grateful to are:
The Max Foundation (based in the US) 20,000 EUR + 1,000 USD(administered free drugs donation from Novartis Pharma for 8 month since the time I was diagnosed)
The Bristol-Myers Squibb (the manufacture for the drug called Sprycel) 50,000 EUR (donated a yearly dose of the drug for free)
The Israeli Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Organisation 1,000 USD
All Russia 'Sodeystvie' Leukemia Organisation 150 USD
Now except all these mentioned my BMT is 180,257 EUR we have managed to collect another 70,000 EUR and still looking for 110,000 EUR.
Taking into consideration the current situation, our family will not be able to pay for my further treatment, and I might easily lose my life very soon.
Here is the details of the mentioned 180,000 EUR that are NEEDED for me:
-the Transplant 86,296 EUR
-Medicaments 2,332 EUR
-Unrelated Donor (+search) 31,000 EUR
- Other hospital services 15,000 EUR
- Complications after the BMT - 46, 000 EUR
I really believe that all cancer patients should have access to the best treatments, care, and support available. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia can happen to anyone at any age and without any reason. However, modern treatment methods are unfortunately only available in the world’s most developed countries.
I am asking everyone whose is reading this to help with what YOU CAN! Below are the bank details of my clinics bank account:
Swiftcode: DEUTDE8L
IBAN:DE27 8607 0000 0124 7998 00
Name of the bank: Deutsche Bank, Martin - Luther - Ring 2, 04109 Leipzig
Receiver: Universitatsklinikum Leipzig, Liebigstr. 18, 04103 Leipzig